Make Art with Us—Join an Art Party!
There’s an artist in everyone. Now children, teens, parents, caregivers, and Snow City Arts supporters can join our Teaching Artists virtually for free community Art Parties! From the comfort of your own home, you can explore your creativity across a variety of different art forms, collaborate with an artist, and create projects that reflect your ideas and inspiration! No experience necessary—just bring your imagination and your willingness to explore.
2024 Art Parties
Registration is open for one of our upcoming virtual Art Parties in 2024!
Note that after each Art Party, a recording will be available on YouTube so you can revisit the workshop or attend at your convenience.
How Do Art Parties Work?
Early respondents will receive a free Art Kit with all of the supplies needed to participate (when needed).
After you register, you will receive an email within a few days detailing when you will be mailed your Art Kit (or a link to the supplies needed for your chosen Art Party).
A day before the Art Party, a Zoom link will be sent to the email you used to RSVP.* (To create a free Zoom account beforehand: https://zoom.us/freesignup/)
After the Art Party, we will invite you to upload your creation so that we can share it on social media or at a future Art Party. If you’d like to share your artwork, we’ll have you complete a consent form.
If you have further questions about Art Parties, please email programs@snowcityarts.org.
*By entering the Snow City Arts’ Art Party Zoom room, you understand and agree that: 1) you are over the age of 18 and/or are the parent or guardian of the participant; 2) the Art Party and its participants will be recorded and the recording may be publicly available on YouTube and other public places; 3) the artwork created by participants during the Art Work program may be publicly displayed; 4) other than participating in the Art Party, participants will receive no other consideration; and 5) you, on behalf of yourself and participant, release Snow City Arts Foundation from any claims arising from the recording and public display of the Art Party.